Service: Get Filing Check

HTTP Method: GET{filingId}

Checks the status of a filing specified by ID.

Header parameters

Name Type Description
client-token Required String API key provided by MyFileRunner admin.

Body parameters

This server request does not require body parameters.

Example request

    curl  -H "client-token: api-mfr-0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF" -H "content-type: Application/JSON"


Example response

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "envelope_id": 28222,
            "draft_id": 86,
            "filing_id": "93f35cca-010f-4f10-bbfe-46a1f756314f",
            "review_comments": "Please refer to the e-filing mandate. The document is not legable. If you have any further questions. Please call 214-653-7088. Thank you for e-filing! ",
            "reject_reason": "",
            "filing_status_code": "",
            "filing_status_text": "",
            "filing_description": "",
            "filing_client_matter": "",
            "lead_document": "",
            "total_fees": "",
            "provider_tax_fees": "",
            "provider_service_fees": "",
            "court_service_fees": "",
            "service_tax_fees": "",
            "filing_service_fees": "",
            "court_filing_fees": "",
            "court_case_fees": "",
            "convenience_fees": "",
            "paid_amount": "",
            "paid_id": "",
            "payment_code": "",
            "payment_id": "",
            "primary_acc_no": "",
            "network_id": "",
            "card_type": "",
            "expiry_date": "",
            "processed_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "filing_type_nfrc": "",
            "s3flag": -2,
            "redaction_fees": "",
            "mail_service_fees": "",
            "court_party_fee": ""