FilingParty: Create Filing Party


Creates a filing party.

Header parameters

Name Type Description
client-token Required String API key provided by MyFileRunner admin.
user-token Required String Session token for the user obtained on login.

Body parameters

Name Type Description
party_type.code Required String Code with which to identify a party type.
is_business Required Boolean Specifies if the filing party to be created represents a business or an individual.
business_name Required String Business name (<strong>required</strong> if <code>is_business</code> is <code>true</code>).
firstname Required String First name (<strong>required</strong> if <code>is_business</code> is <code>false</code>).
lastname Required String Last name (<strong>required</strong> if <code>is_business</code> is <code>false</code>).
city Required String City name.
statecode Required String State code.
zipcode Required String City or region ZIP code.
country Required String Country name.

Example request

    curl  -H "client-token: api-mfr-0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF" -H "user-token: usr-tkn-0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF" -H "content-type: Application/JSON" -d {"party_type.code": "3426", "is_business": "1", "business_name": "BusinessCo.", "city": "Austin", "statecode": "TX", "zipcode": "75554", "country": "UnitedStates"}


Example response

    "success": true,
    "data": []