Warning: Undefined variable $argc in /home/dario/Servidor/Sipemu/vendor/donatello-za/rake-php-plus/console/extractor.php on line 264
Error: Please specify the filename of the stopwords file to extract.
php ./console/extractor.php stopwords_en_US.txt --locale=en_US --output=php
php ./console extractor.php stopwords_en_US.json --locale=en_US --output=php
For better RakePlus performance, use the --output argument to produce
regular expression pattern instead of a PHP script.
php ./console/extractor.php stopwords_en_US.txt --locale=en_US --output=pattern
php ./console/extractor.php stopwords_en_US.json --locale=en_US --output=pattern
You can pipe the output of this tool directly into a
.php or .pattern file:
php ./console/extractor.php stopwords_en_US.txt --locale=en_US --output=php > en_US.php
php ./console/extractor.php stopwords_en_US.json --locale=en_US --output=pattern > en_US.pattern
php ./console/extractor.php en_US.php --locale=en_US --output=pattern > en_US.pattern