@php if(isset($functionHeaderParams)) { $clientToken = (object)array( 'name' => 'client-token', 'required' => true, 'type' => 'String', 'description' => 'API key provided by MyFileRunner admin.', ); // $acceptJSON = (object)array( // 'name' => 'accept', // 'required' => true, // 'type' => 'String', // 'description' => 'Specifies the format of the data to be sent (JSON).', // ); array_unshift($functionHeaderParams, $clientToken); // array_push($functionHeaderParams, $acceptJSON); } @endphp

Header parameters

@if($functionHeaderParams) @foreach($functionHeaderParams as $functionHeaderParam) @endforeach
Name Type Description
{{ $functionHeaderParam->name }} @if($functionHeaderParam->required !== false) Required @endif {{ $functionHeaderParam->type }} {{ $functionHeaderParam->description }}

This server request does not require header parameters.


Body parameters

@if($functionBodyParams) @foreach($functionBodyParams as $functionBodyParam) @endforeach
Name Type Description
{{ $functionBodyParam->name }} @if($functionBodyParam->required !== false) Required @endif {{ $functionBodyParam->type }} {{ $functionBodyParam->description }}

This server request does not require body parameters.
