@extends('layouts.admin-dashboard') @section('heading') Accepted Filings Report @stop @section('content')

{{ number_format($data['avg_monthly_firm_top10'], 0, '.', ',') }}

AVG Filings Top 10 Firms

{{ number_format($data['avg_monthly_firm_top25'], 0, '.', ',') }}

AVG Filings Top 25 Firms

{{ number_format($data['avg_monthly_filer_top10'], 0, '.', ',') }}

AVG Filings Top 10 Filers

{{ number_format($data['avg_monthly_filer_top25'], 0, '.', ',') }}

AVG Filings Top 25 Filers

Ranking of organizations from Highest to Lowest filers. Export

Ranking of individuals from Highest to Lowest filers. Export

Avg monthly filings per firm Export

Firm Name Avg Filings
No records

Avg monthly filings per individual Export

Filer Name Firm Name Avg Filings
No records

Firms who have not filed in the past 3 months Export

Firm Name Address City
No records

New firms that have filed with us in the past 6 months Export

Firm Name Address City
No records

New individuals that have filed with us in the past 3 months Export

Last Name First Name Email
No records
@stop @section('scripts_bottom') @stop