@extends('layouts.'.((Session::get('user')->CurrentRole === 'Firm Admin')?'admin':'filer').'-dashboard')
Warning: Undefined variable $serveval in /home/dario/Servidor/CodingIt/MyFileRunner/App/app/views/case/edit.blade.php on line 3
File To Courts
@if($case->is_draft!=2 && $case->is_draft!=0)
* {{ Form::label('case_no', 'Case No') }} {{ Form::text('case_no', $case->docket_id, array('class'=>'inputStyle','disabled'=>'disabled')) }}
@endif @if(!(!empty($case->case_tracking_id) && empty($case->title)))* {{ Form::label('title', 'Case Title') }} @if(!empty($case->case_tracking_id)) {{ Form::text('title', $case->title, array('class'=>'inputStyle', ' ng-model' => 'newCase.title', 'disabled'=>'disabled')) }} @else {{ Form::text('title', $case->title, array('class'=>'inputStyle', ' ng-model' => 'newCase.title')) }} @endif
* @if(Config::get('app.allow_criminal_initial')) @else @endif
@endif @if($showFilerType->isvisible)
@if($showFilerType->isrequired) * @endif
* @if (count($attorneyList) > 0) Make this my default Attorney @elseif (Session::get('user')->CurrentRole === 'Firm Admin') Create new attorney A/c @else Create new attorney A/c @endif
@endif* [?] Use this as my default payment account @if (Session::get('user')->CurrentRole === 'Firm Admin' || Session::get('user')->CurrentRole === 'Individual') Create new payment A/c @else Create new payment A/c @endif
You cannot complete the filing without a payment A/c
Please contact firm admin to procced.